delta-e-reader-13-inch-color-prototype.img_assist_custom-300x170.jpgFrom E-Reader-Info:

Delta Electronics says that 3D e-paper is possible. They just need to solve a couple of issues first (such as the brightness when switching from 2D to 3D). So should we expect 3D e-readers in the future? Everyone seems to want 3D, and although this is not so interesting for plain reading it can be great for magazines, photos, games, etc.

3D Displays will be one of Delta’s major development focuses in 2011. The company will soon start mass-producing color (2D) e-paper displays (based on Bridgestone’s technology) – in fact they plan to release a color e-reader in December 2010 [see picture above].


  1. “Everyone seems to want 3D”

    Really ? I don’t see it. I have chatted about this with many friends and colleagues in the last 6 months and a tiny number want 3D tvs. Most have told me that they would like “some” 3D films in the cinema and ‘maybe’ some 3D in sports, but not all the time. I think 3D is going to be a very slow burner. HD is still only filtering through the masses.

  2. I agree with Howard about 3D; after going through a demo at Best Buy on the merits of 3D I came away with a raging headache. My kids were not impressed, either saying (with a shrug no less) “What’s wrong with our old TV?” Nothing. Nothing at all.

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