freading--element94Israel is probably the highest-tech country in the Middle East, given all the developments that have come out of there in areas such as encryption. So I was a little surprised to read a news release describing the new Sharon Woodrow Memorial E-Book Library as “one of the first e-book libraries in any language in the country.” It is also “the first English-language virtual library in Israel.” The library will offer “50,000 titles for all ages from more than 1,000 trade publishers.”

The library is a service of the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel. Powering it will Library Ideas, LLC, perhaps best known for the Freegal music service. More details are here. According to AACI, “Patrons of the library will be able to read the books they choose on computers and mobile devices with Freading’s iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire and Android apps.” Freading is part of Library Ideas.


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