Copenhagen Conference 1024x681

From Publishing Perspectives comes an article by Mark Coker:

COPENHAGEN: Approximately 90 Scandinavian publishing executives gathered earlier this month in Copenhagen at the historic Carlsberg brewery for the annual invitation-only Scandinavian Publishing Executive MeetingSchilling, a strategic consultancy for Scandinavian publishers, organizes this annual confab.

For the first time, Schilling held the conference entirely in English. Also for the first time, the conference took on a decidedly international theme by importing speakers from Spain, the U.K and United States, including yours truly representing Smashwords.

What follows are some of my personal notes and observations from the conference. I invite other attendees to share their notes in the comments below. Like any good conference, some of the best revelations took place in hallway conversations, mixers and meals lubricated with Carlsberg beer, and late night bar crawls. For your sober pleasure, I’ll focus my notes on the conference portion.


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