I’m not just one for interactive books. I also like interactive blogs, and it bothers me no end when the TeleBlog’s anti-spam Dobermans eat up the comments of legitimate commenters, including those who disagree with me.

Please email me if the Dobermans attack. Chances are I can retrieve the lost comments from the Dobermans’ stomachs. What’s more, I can at least try to white-list you.

Related: Garson Poole and perhaps many others wonder why the comment counters on the right side of the TeleBlog show different numbers from the counters associated with individual posts.

The AWOL comments are almost always spam.

Perhaps in the future the counters on the right side will limit themselves just to legit comments.

By the way, I’m not sure if all the comment spams are counted on the right. The TeleBlog is the target of tens of thousands of spam attempts each year.

Other housekeeping: And here’s a reminder about time stamps. I may change them to reflect priorities, so that minor items don’t clutter up the top of the TeleBlog. I’m moving this item below several others.

I am still in search of a WordPress plug-in that I believe would let me change item order without altering time stamps. No nefarious actions involved here, just news judgment.

Meanwhile, by checking the upper right side of the blog, you can see all recent posts in one swoop.


The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail newteleread@gmail.com.