In honor of our frequent contributor Piotr Kowalczyk.  From Radio Praha.  A full interview with Jaroslav Balvin is on the site:

If you’re looking for an overview of the current Czech literary scene in English – everything from surrealist poets to second-hand bookshops – the new “Czech Literature Guide” should be just the book for you. As it states in its introduction, the book’s aim is to present a “panorama of the contemporary life of Czech literature”. David Vaughan reports.

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Viktor Debnár, Jaroslav Balvín, photo: David VaughanViktor Debnár, Jaroslav Balvín, photo: David Vaughan The “Czech Literature Guide” has been compiled by the editors of the Czech Literature Portal ( As we’ve discussed in past editions of this programme, the portal, which is funded mainly by the Ministry of Culture, aims to provide a broad and up-to-date information service about Czech writing today, and the new book is very much part that service. Its editors are Viktor Debnár and Jaroslav Balvín. I asked them both to tell me more about the guide, starting with Jaroslav.

Jaroslav Balvín: “The Czech Literature Guide aims to mediate the current situation to foreigners who are interested in Czech literature.”


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