Screen shot 2009-10-30 at 12.49.36 PM.pngI got an email from them about their site and, I must admit, it was the first time I’d heard of it. So I went over there and tried it out.

I’m currently reading Imperium, by Robert Harris, on my Kindle and so I tried it out on that. It found the book available on 14 different sites ranging in price from $8.87 to $16.99. It will search in Epub, eReader, eBookwise, PDF, Kindle, HTML, Mobipocket, Palm, audio, Microsoft and Sony format, and you can exclude any of these formats from the search if you wish.

As you can see in the picture, it has include and exclude options. sorting options and currency options. They say that they search 41 booksites and were established in 1998. They also search new print books, used books, music and dvds. Rather neat! I will be adding it to my bookmarks.


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