adobe-lq.pngIn another DRM article today Computerworld discusses the problems that Adobe’s ADEPT is having with interoperability. They say critics find it confusing, not fully interoperable between ereaders and easily hacked.

But users say ADEPT fails to live up to Adobe’s promise of interoperability between e-readers and e-book stores. For instance, e-books bought from Barnes & Noble, for now, work only on the nook e-reader — not other popular e-readers such as the Sony Reader, even though both use Adobe’s DRM.

This was noted in a review earlier this week by Mobile Tech Review. But users have also complained for months about the issue on Barnes & Noble’s user forum and on the Sony Reader’s forum.

TeleRead is quoted:

Paul Biba, editor of the e-book blog, TeleRead, goes further, arguing that the current complaints fulfill the predictions made earlier by critics that any DRM would inevitably create confusion and friction that could possibly stunt the e-book market.

"Everybody, except Amazon, is practically lying through their teeth by telling consumers that they are using the so-called ‘standard’ Epub format and how this is a great benefit to everybody. Hogwash!" Biba wrote earlier this week. "The whole thing is a fraud."


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