
From A Kindle World Blog:

All 7 of the Harry Potter books are now in the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library I’ll repeat some information from an earlier announcement borrowing via Amazon Prime Lending, who’s eligible and whats involved.

  The Potter eBooks had already been part of an exclusive worldwide e-book and digital audiobook distribution agreement with Overdrive for public and school libraries.

  However, waiting lists at libraries are notoriously long, and books are due within 2 weeks in some.  So, the PRIME Kindle Lending Library will be a boon for many.   There are no waiting lists and no due dates.

  Remember that you can borrow only one Kindle book per calendar month though.  For more info on the PRIME lending program, which now includes 145,000+ books, ‘including over 100 current and former New York Times Best Sellers, ….

(Via A Kindle World blog.)


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