We tend to find reporter John Paczkowski‘s anonymous source reports to be overwhelmingly reliable, which is why we’d like to bring your attention to a brief article he posted on AllThingsD earlier this morning. Here are the first three paragraphs of the story:

“Apple’s next generation iPhone and its so-called “iPad mini” will debut at two separate events this fall, rather than a single one as has been widely speculated, according to several sources.

“First comes the latest iteration of the tech giant’s hugely popular smartphone, which will be unveiled at an as-of-yet unannounced event on September 12.

“Only after the next generation iPhone is out the door and on sale will Apple announce the smaller iPad it’s been working on. That device, which is expected to have a display of less than eight inches, will be uncrated at a second special event, which sources said is currently scheduled for October.”

Understandably, some tech bloggers are already referring to John’s post as “speculative,” but according to a very recent reply spotted in John’s Twitter feed (@JohnPaczkowski), AllThingsD makes a habit of not reporting on rumors “without multiple solid sources.”

A bit of an oxymoron, for sure. And yet, as for whether the anonymous sources are actually correct, we’ll obviously have to wait another few weeks. (See John’s aforementioned Twitter conversation with Walter Mossberg and Brenda Christensen, below.)


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