abnaThe quarterfinalists for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards (ABNA) were recently announced.

One hundred books were selected in five categories: General Fiction; Mystery & Thriller, Romance; Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror; and Young Adult.

Based on message board posts, many writers had been anxiously waiting for this day, which is just one of many steps to go through for ABNA. Writers have to go through various rounds until the books were whittled to the 500 listed now.

The ones who made it are thrilled, but there are many more of whom did not make the cut.

Those who didn’t make it shouldn’t look at this as a failure. Since awards – and reviewers – are subjective, there could be a number of reasons why one book was picked over another.

Amazon Publishing will announce the semifinalists of the top five entries in each category on June 13.

To check out all the quarterfinalists, click here to visit the ABNA site.


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