This seems to be a Jeff Bezos news day. While it’s not directly related to e-books, it’s still worth mentioning that Bezos has donated $2.5 million to Washington United for Marriage, an advocacy group working to uphold Washington state’s laws allowing same-sex marriage. CNet reports:

Bezos became involved in the campaign after a former Amazon employee who is now working as a volunteer fundraiser asked him to help out. He responded to her by e-mail saying, "Jen, this is right for so many reasons. We’re in for $2.5 million. Jeff & MacKenzie," according to the Associated Press.

Amazon isn’t the only e-book-related tech company that has come out in favor of same-sex marriages; the list of other tech companies supporting such initiatives from the CNet article includes Google, Apple, and Microsoft as well.

Bezos’s donation is reportedly the largest-ever publicly-mentioned donation in support of same-sex marriage.


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