If you’re looking for new reading material this summer, Amazon Local might have what you need.

The discount site is offering a free voucher to purchase specific Kindle books for just $1.00 each.

The voucher is only good for 37 titles, which are all part of a series. Some of the books include The Hangman’s Daughter by Oliver Potzsch and subsequent tales; The Dead Man volumes by Lee Goldberg; and The Mangel Series by Charlie Williams.

Some of these books already seem popular with readers. Potzsch’s books have thousands of reviews; whereas books in the Simply Sarah Series range from one review to about a dozen.

You only have until May 17 to get the voucher, but the voucher is good through May 22 of this year.

This seems like a good way for authors to get their series’ noticed. Get one book for cheap with the potential of getting other books picked up at the regular price (if the consumer doesn’t buy them all for the $1.00 price on the first go around). The regular price for these books fall between $2.99 and $4.99.


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