Are you still in the habit of ordering physical things from Amazon, but don’t have a way to ensure you’ll be home when they arrive? Or at least need some way of making sure that Kindle you’re ordering arrives safely so you can stop buying the physical books?

Amazon’s expanding its locker delivery program, report TechCrunch and The Verge. It now boasts locations in Seattle, New York, Washington, DC, London, and Silicon Valley (San Carlos, Palo Alto, and Mountain View, California), as well as possibly some others that haven’t been publicized yet but that can presumably be located by Amazon’s new search tool if any are near you.

I kind of wish I had some of those here in Springfield, Missouri about now. I destroyed my old monitor in a car accident a couple of weeks ago, and had ordered a brand new 27” one from Amazon with an arrival date of today. I had to have it shipped to my uncle’s house ten minutes away because I didn’t know if I’d be home for its arrival. As a result, I won’t actually be able to get my hands on it until tomorrow after work, because that’s the soonest my uncle can bring it to me. If only I could have directed it to a nearby Amazon locker…

Will Amazon expand this program still further? Might we see Amazon lockers become almost as prevalent as Redbox video rental kiosks? I sure hope so. And, of course, if Amazon opens its own retail stores, people can use those as delivery drops as well.

Meanwhile, I’m still squinting at this old 19” emergency backup monitor and waiting for my sweet new screen to arrive.


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