Mobipocket sucks for serious academic publishing and similar purposes–we still need OpenReader for that reasons and many others. Still, Mobipocket has its possibilities for recreational reading. I was not surprised, then, to read that Franklin had sold its Mobipocket shares to Amazon. What’s next? Will Amazon start encouraging publishers to use Mobipocket rather than Microsoft’s neglected Microsoft Reader and the cumbersome Adobe Reader?


  1. LSI distributes Palm Reader (aka eReader), but Amazon has never picked up books in this format from them. ( -does- sell them, picked up from LSI.)

    Content Reserve dropped Palm a little while back, in favor of MobiPocket. Something to do with the terms the new Palm Digital management was asking.

    I’d be curious to see current unit sales figures for Mobi vs. Palm Reader.

  2. > I’d be curious to see current unit sales figures for Mobi vs. Palm Reader.

    Same here, Mike. News doesn’t look good for Palm, but you never know. Meanwhile I wonder if Amazon will dump Microsoft Reader format. My guess is that it’ll keep both that and Adobe.


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