iliad_nrc Amazon is still mum on Kindle sales, and meanwhile the machine continues to highlight tricky copyright issues such as territorial rights, says The Bookseller.

Other links of interest:

–Yes, the Kindle has helped Sony Readers sales. So says Sony Electronics prez Stan Glasgow, as quoted by CNet.

–"NRC Handelsblad is the first Dutch newspaper to introduce an e-paper edition for iLiad e-reads," reports ebook readers. (Photo.)

–Which is more of a Net threat—porn or cyberbullying? NYT columnist David Pogue thinks porn is overhyped as a menace.

–A "family-friendly" bookstore called blocks supposedly objectionable books and has just taken down The Golden Compass, a kid’s novel said to be ant-Christian, reports ABC News (via LISNews). What can you say about a site that recently zapped Competitive Volleyball? Hello, David Pogue? This one begs for a grumpy column.

Nicholas Negroponte is looking for a new CEO of One Laptop Per Child. More at BizWeek and OLPC News, which also carries a fascinating piece on the pros and cons of a OLPC project in Haiti. I continue to enjoy the OLPC XO as an e-book reader.


  1. I’ve just checked Abung and they appear to have all the Phillip Pullman books including The Golden Compass available. Oh yes, they also offer ‘The God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins at a very reasonable price. I don’t approve of any censorship, but though Abung may be ’empowering decency’ they don’t seem to be heavy-handed about it.

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