android-wallpaper5_1024x768.jpgThat’s the title of an article in Paid Content.

But, whilst publishers are taking the opportunity to sell paid editions through iPad’s on-board app store, Google (NSDQ: GOOG) is restricting many makers of Android tablets from embedding the system’s equivalent Market store.

It leaves publishers without an equivalent, coherent on-board payment ecosystem through which to sell. That’s one reason why, while the number of publications on iPad is booming, you will find precious few on Android. …

“Setting up a paid in-app subscription is definitely harder on Android because of their commitment to wanting to do things more through the carriers,” says Nic Newman, managing director of tablet developer Tigerspike, which has made seven tablet editions for News Corp (NSDQ: NWS) as well as for other publishers.

“Designing for Android is way more complex than designing for iPad. There are not just three- and 10-inch devices but also a number of different aspect ratios. It has a number of publishers scratching their heads. It’s not as obvious to publishers how they can make money easily through Android as with iPad – it’s a choice of one or the other. The road to monetisation on Android is a lot more complex.


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