ChangeWave (who we previously mentioned back in March) has released another e-book survey. There are some interesting bits of information there, though they aren’t releasing their full data set. One interesting fact is that the percentage of people reading non-e-book content on their e-readers has jumped dramatically from February to May. Blogs are up slightly, and e-books are down slightly.

There are also some interesting results to come out of a survey of 153 new iPad owners as to their satisfaction, likes, and dislikes. 91% of iPad owners reported some level of satisfaction, with 2% dissatisfied and 8% not sure yet. The highest percentage (21%) liked the screen size and quality best about the device. On the dislike side, 11% of respondents said the lack of Adobe Flash was the thing they disliked the most. The most common use for the device was surfing the Internet, at 83%, followed by checking e-mail, at 71%.

A considerable amount of information is still behind a paywall, however—and at $1,500, what a paywall it is.

Whatever these results might mean, I agree with Nate the Great’s analysis:

Do you want to know what I think? I’m not sure how much weight you can put in one data point, but I’m sure people are going to read all sorts of meaning into it and then take it as gospel.


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