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From Plato to Michael Hart: The Long Journey of E-books


P. Divakar


DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (32.2; 2012)


Genesis of e-books and the connected social implications have a long bearing on the dissemination of knowledge. The strides in information technology have ushered in new content formats and reading devices. An e-book is superior to a c-book in terms of storage, delivery and accessibility. E-books have tremendous implications on libraries, library users and publishers. Around the world, there have been initiatives towards the ultimate goal of enhancing public access to all recorded knowledge. Internet apart from facilitating self publication of e-books, democratising access to knowledge and doing social good especially for developing countries by improving literacy, and education.

Direct to Full Text (7 pages; PDF)

See Also: ‘Electronic Books: A Bibliography
Chennupati K. Ramaiah
51 pages; PDF; 1457 Citations
Also appearing in DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (32.2; 2012)

The information included in this bibliography is collected systematically from all the published sources in the world such as journal articles, conference papers, conference proceedings, books, reports and PhD theses on e-books until the last quarter of 2011. Mainly, it covers e-books, e-books publishing, the impact of e-books on different types of users, e-book publishing techniques and trends, e-book user interfaces and other technologies related toe-publications. This bibliography will be useful to all researchers conducting research in any areas related to e-books and e-book publishing.

(Via LJ INFOdocket.)


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