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From The Digital Shift:

Book View Café (BVC), a professional author-run epublisher, last month announced the launch of a library-friendly “All You Can Read” ebook program, which offers libraries a 45 percent discount on BVC’s catalog, making the average price of the company’s ebooks less than $3.00.

BVC is currently partnering with over 40 authors, including Hugo and Nebula award winners such as Ursula K. Le Guin, Vonda N. McIntyre, David D. Levine, and Linda Nagata, as well as New York Times bestsellers and notable authors Patricia Rice, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Lois Gresh, and Sarah Zettel.

“The new age of publishing is about just these kind of partnerships,” Jamie LaRue, director of Douglas County Libraries (DCL), said in a release. DCL, along with the distributor Wheelers Books in New Zealand, became the first institutions to sign distribution agreements with BVC last month. “Forward-thinking publishers and forward-thinking libraries that help authors do what they do best: create content that finds an audience.”


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