Power RankingsThe average price of e-books on Digital Book World’s best seller list dropped to an all-time low.

The company reported on Wednesday the average price fell by nearly a dollar to $5.41.

DBW has 25 books on its list and Lee Child’s newest Jack Reacher book jumping to the top spot with a price of $11.76. But that couldn’t help the average price rise.

The average price of e-books had jumped several weeks ago to nearly $10 with many new books from top authors hitting the market. However, as the market settled, the average price of e-books came down. Over the last two weeks, the average price of e-books sat at $6.33, according to DBW.

There are only four books on the list above $10 and “Never Go Back” by Child is the most expensive at $11.76. There are six books priced $1.99 or cheaper. The two indie books on the list are both listed for $.99.

To see the full DBW best seller e-book list, click here.


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