Bacon ipsum banner

From the Bacon Ipsum site:

Consectetur turkey reprehenderit sed excepteur ex. Chuck flank id eu reprehenderit jowl, t-bone bacon. Fugiat sirloin rump, enim anim short ribs pork chop bresaola mollit velit proident. Pork belly aliquip t-bone officia salami, ad pork eu non eiusmod velit meatball commodo laboris sunt. In meatball labore, jowl cow eu elit t-bone. Nulla do meatball, shankle est ham sirloin cow. Dolore ea jerky deserunt labore pork.

Laborum aliqua aliquip incididunt voluptate chicken in pork belly, nisi qui nostrud. Beef ullamco spare ribs sunt labore, tail elit do. Non pork belly short ribs, do pig deserunt tongue tail. Fugiat spare ribs est nostrud. Consequat qui in cupidatat, ut drumstick beef short ribs jowl sausage ut. Voluptate sunt elit, fugiat reprehenderit dolore in beef ribs velit ex labore veniam flank sirloin. Shoulder id aliqua exercitation. …

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You can set the number of paragraphs, whether you want all meat or meat and filler, and the start language.

Thanks to Joe Stirt for the heads up.


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