
Received the following email from John Fitzgerald:

I wish to let you know that my book Bad Hare Days, about hare coursing in Ireland and the controversy surrounding it, is now available as a free e book.

I am unsure as to how I would go about “donating” an e book, but given that it is now freely available to read online or download, I was wondering if you might perhaps add the links provided below to your database or resources list.

There are many books promoting blood sports in shops and libraries nationwide. This is one of the very few that offers an anti-blood sports perspective and as such may prove useful or of interest to readers of all ages and and to students undertaking research projects.

Bad Hare Days can be read or downloaded at any time at either of the following links:

First link:

Alternative link:

Many thanks for your attention and best wishes,

John Fitzgerald,

Author of Bad Hare Days


  1. I hope Bad Hare Days helps to get the dreadful so-called “sport” of hare coursing banned in Ireland. The book really lifts the lid off this nigntmarish cruelty and it shows what some campaigners went through at the hand sof the powerful coursing clubs and their high-flying pals.

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