
Late last year, the Economist released an iOS app that one review described as ”barebones and featureless, but that’s okay”.  After working with the app for a few weeks, I came to the same conclusion.

In creating an app, the Economist went in a somewhat different direction.  The app is free; anyone can download it to an iOS device.  Once you load the app, you have an option to download and read a selection of content (generally, the magazine’s leaders, or opinion pages).

If you want the full magazine, you have two options: buy a digital-only subscription ($110), or link your app to a print subscription, the route I took (you use a settings screen to add a subscriber number and expiration date for your print edition).  This approach is elegant: print subscribers are not asked to pay twice for the ability to read across different platforms.

The overall interface is text-based and simple, and as a result updates are not onerous: downloads of the entire magazine take about 30 seconds over a wi-fi network in my office. (Yes, I timed it.  I’m geeky like that.) Because I commute by train, I’ve found myself reading more the magazine’s content than I did with the print subscription alone.

I’ve written that devices (alone) will not save publishing, but there is a lot of good in the approach employed by the Economist.  It augments the print consumption experience, respects the investment made by existing subscribers and brings a weekly update in a manageable amount of time.

The free app also lets new readers sample parts of the magazine, a low-cost approach that could help grow the total number of paid subscriptions.  The Economist app is not just about digital; it’s about using digital to build content awareness and make content consumption easier.  And that’s okay.

Via Magellan Media Consulting Partners blog


  1. Paul, Can you clarify something related to this post (even though it’s by a contributor, and not you). I was under the impression that one of the conflicts publishers were having with Apple was over the ability to have a digital subscription tied to a print subscription — that Apple wanted a % of the print sub. I’m assuming the reason the Economist can tie the two together is that they aren’t (as other publishers are) creating, in effect, a new app for each issue. As your flow of information on Teleread is so impressive, I can’t keep up with everything you post, no matter how hard I try — so I apologize if this is a topic you’ve covered. Bottomline: What is the Economist doing that Apple is approving — that’s different from what other publishers are complaining about.

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