
Good E-Reader has a comparison video you might want to see:

Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet and Nook Color Comparison Video: “The Nook Tablet is an upgrade to the original Color by leaps and bounds. In the hardware department it has a dual-core 1 GHZ processor, 1 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal storage. The main things that have changes is the user interface and hitting the N button calls up the menu, which makes things simpler. The store has undergone a tremendous revision for the better and content is laid out more effectively. You can really tell the Nook Tablet is a 2nd generation device and we were both won over by the fact that you get so much out of a $249 device.

Check out the video below, we spend 15 minutes going over all aspects of both devices giving you a solid indication on how they stack up against each other.”

(Via Good E-Reader Blog – ebook Reader and Tablet PC News.)


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