eReader iPad portrait Alerted by a comment on my review of the eReader apps for iPhone, I checked the app store and found the Barnes & Noble iPad eReader ready to download. (CNet also has a report on it.) I don’t have time for a lengthy review right now—I was on my way into bed—but my early look isn’t too encouraging.

It’s basically a carbon copy of the Kindle app, throwing in some features from iBooks such as showing “facing pages” (see below). And it seems to be only loadable from the Barnes & Noble store—using a “bnereaderipad://” link, as someone noticed when B&N changed their page early, simply opens up your library—it doesn’t load the book that the link points to.

eReader iPad landscape I’m going to email Barnes & Noble’s customer support and ask how to load pre-existing eReader books, but I’m not exactly holding my breath for a positive outcome. I suspect it’s just the same as with Amazon and Mobipocket: they’d prefer people forget about the old company and focus on the new.

Like I’ve said, eReader and Fictionwise are very likely on the way out.


  1. I already contacted them about loading purchases from Fictionwise/eReader, their response was they have no plans to support the loading of ebooks from either sites.
    The tone of the email was curt and rather hostile. I think they were getting lots of emails regarding this.

  2. Not hugely impressed. (It crashed just loading its own help “book”).

    What format does it support? Something that’s ePub + eReader DRM ?

    I was assuming the inability to sideload eReader books read pdb (eReader) formatted books was because they removed support for that format ?

    At one point there was a message on the old FIctionwise mailing list saying that they (Fictionwise) was moving towards such a format (their DRM + epub) so it isn’t a total surprise.

    I don’t have problems with B&N as a bookstore, though they’ve always (in my decades of experience with them) seemed more book oriented and not really customer oriented. And they haven’t changed just because they are now doing eBooks.

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