
GlueJar Founder and CEO Eric Hellman and is interviewed by Chris Kenneally in the latest ‘Beyond the Book’ podcast from the Copyright Clearance Center.

From the Blurb Posted on the Beyond the Book web page:

We want to offer rightsholders the opportunity to get a one-time payment in exchange for making their books into Creative Commons-licensed e-books. And the way we’re going to do this is by crowd-funding campaigns,’ Hellman explains for CCC’s Chris Kenneally. ‘So if you have a favorite book, a book that’s important to you, a book that means a lot to you, that you’ve read, and you want everybody else in the world to read it, we’re going to offer you the opportunity to join with thousands of people like you to come up with the money to turn it into a book that’s free to everybody, everywhere.’

GlueJar is a fascinating idea and Eric Hellman is always interesting to listen to his blog, Go To Hellman, blog is a must read.

Listen (Stream or Download the Podcast) Here
Runs 15:23

(Via LJ INFOdocket.)


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