HTML_screen_2.jpgThis is a free application that does the following:

Keeps etextbooks, class handouts, course syllabi, lecture notes and leisure reading accessible on the computer. Materials can be organized by course.

Opens multiple textbooks at the same time or have pages from two different textbooks open simultaneoulsy. Download ebooks and etextbooks.

Take notes directly in etextbooks and tag content with search terms. Highlight and annotate important passages, integrate web research.

Search the entire text of a book, search user’s notes and look up definitions and formulas.

It is cot currently available, but the website says it will be released in August.


  1. interesting…

    Would like to see this before commenting too much, but I’m skeptical as to how useful this will prove to be. I know the key to becoming a better student does not lie in better technology, but in better discipline. That is, opening up the book, reading it, letting it sink in, then applying it. How is any software going to improve a student’s ability to do that? Sure, it might help keep things more organized. Probably. But so far, the only thing I really like about this is that it will help students in the way of reduced book prices. 40% is what they’re claiming, but that’s definitely not enough considering we have $100+ books. Yikes.

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