cybook-review-2-001-500x375.jpgCarly Z at Geardiary has a review of this unit with the latest firmware update.

All-in-all she thinks that the price is high for what you get and, while loving the hardware, can find no compelling reason to pay the asking price.


  1. Hi

    A review really not accurate indeed.

    1 – First, the upgrade did not come out 5 months ago but less the 2 months ago – 24th of December!

    2 – The review bases itself on the ePub upgrade.
    There were two of them, one for ePub and one for the Mobipocket format, and one can install one or the other and/or reinstall the other and so on at will.

    3 – It says it does not have a standby mode… well all eInk devices have that, sort of, one just lets it be on all the time and besides the tiny little processor use of battery, it does not use any for the screen. More, in the cybook, and in almost all the others one can define if the device auto shuts itself off after a period of time or never.
    Easily, one can get one week out of it on and several if one remembers to turn it off…
    This will happen to all the other readers, some get more time some less… so no much better for the other readers shown in the review.

    4 – It sees a screen saver as something better.
    A screen saver? Jesus, not even in normal computer screens one uses that anymore. Who would need a screen saver in a eInk reader device?

    4 – Missing talking about that in the cybook one can have as many different fonts one wants – the kindle just one.
    One can have 12 sizes of fonts – the others less, per example the sony 505 just 3 and the new ones 5.
    One can turn all the text bold, and thus get a much better experience at night/poor lightening reading without the help of special extra lights then most of the others.

    And one could go on and on…

    Best regards,

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