BookGlutton has done a major upgrade to its GUI. You can find all the details here. Among other things:

We recently finished a massive under-the-hood effort to prepare for the next big release of the Unbound Reader. You’ll see some of the improvements right away. For one, we got rid of that pesky pop-up window. None of us has ever been a big fan of pop-up windows, but initially it bought us time to face some of the challenges with having a single-page app open up right in the midst of another navigation framework. Now the reader OPENS IN THE SAME WINDOW as the rest of the site, and conforms to whatever dimensions please you for reading on-screen. So RESIZE AWAY. We’ve scaled it down to fit on my tiniest laptop and up to fill my ginormous 24-inch flatscreen, and it looks great either way. We added A THIRD FONT-SIZE to the font-scaling for those who really want to bump up the dots-per-em.

I had looked at BookGlutton before but, to be honest, had found the interface to be rather annoying so I never used it. I’ve played around with the new GUI and I can say that I will use it now on my eeePC. Good job, and it looks as if better things are coming. One of the books I’ll probably read is Journey to Bagdad – 1915 by Charles S. Brooks.


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