SPP feb20 MarianaFeged Booquo 225x300

From Publishing Perspectives:

Everything you can read in a month for just €9.99 sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it? That is what Booquo, the new digital venture of Circulo de Lectores — the book club owned by publishing giants Planeta and Bertelsmann — is offering, making them among the few brave enough to tread the forbidden path of access vs. ownership that frightens so many print publishers in this digital age.

Booquo’s Mariana Féged, VP of Digital Business at Circulo, may be leading a book distribution revolution.

Mariana Féged, VP of Digital Business at Circulo, introduced Booquo in Barcelona on February 15 with to great expectations and mixed reviews. The subscription model à la Spotify is not new in Spain — the startup 24Symbols has been working on a freemium model that has attracted a good amount of international attention and some well deserved praise.”

“Booquo’s spirit is that of a ‘club’ and that’s the main difference with 24 Symbols or any other model of content distribution and marketing in the Internet,” says Féged. “Booquo offers a selection of titles and strives to provide additional content, contact with authors and the creation of a community experience.”

A lot more detail in the article.

(Via Publishing Perspectives.)


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