Though it doesn’t have that much to do with e-books, the most recent development in the Borders bankruptcy has a lot to do with electronic data of another form. Borders has filed suit against Next Jump, the company that manages its customer rewards program. Borders is accusing Next Jump of essentially stealing its intellectual property in the form of an e-mailing list of a half million customers, in that Next Jump is sending emails to Borders customers directing them to another Next Jump website,

In an email statement to paidContent, Next Jump denied it had done anything wrong. “Borders has been a long-time client. They went bankrupt. We had an agreement with Borders management to move accounts to to allow Borders members continued access to their earned points,” wrote Executive Vice President Meghan Messenger. “It is now in the courts and we feel we are in the right.”

This could be especially important for the ailing chain as that mailing list and Borders’s trademark are among the most valuable assets the company has left, and bidders are already raising concern over the issue and considering lowering their bids.


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