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In 2010, according to a study by the GfK market research company, e-books made up only 0.5 percent of overall book sales in 2010. E-books make up just five percent of the 417 million euros in sales in the growing German download market, which is made up of digital purchases of music, audio and e-books, software, games and videos.

E-books have featured prominently at the Frankfurt’s Book Fair

But experts and industry insiders think the German e-book market will grow, despite lagging far behind the US market, as people’s awareness of e-books grows, the selection of titles available in digital format expands, and e-book readers such as Amazon’s Kindle or Apple’s iPad tablet computer gain traction and more widespread use.

via E-books growth slow as Germans stick to ink and paper | Culture & Lifestyle | Deutsche Welle | 08.06.2011.

Via Irish Publishing News


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