images.jpegThe 22 new titles cover a range of both regional and metropolitan publications including the Cheshire Observer, the Royal Cornwall Gazette, the Isle of Man Times and the Nottinghamshire Guardian.

Adding to an existing selection of 49 titles, the 22 additional publications have been chosen by leading experts and academics to significantly extend the geographical coverage of the resource including a whole range of both regional and metropolitan titles. The additions to the archive have also sought to provide a more comprehensive picture of the political spectrum in the 19th century and include the entire runs of two additional major London papers – The Morning Post and The Standard – offering the conservative viewpoint alongside the liberal and radical papers already digitised such as the Daily News and Reynold’s Newspaper.

For more information see img style=”padding-right: 4px; margin: 5px 5px 0px 0px” align=”left”Resource Shelf.


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