
Another one from The Bookseller this morning:

The British Library has launched its E-book Treasures series for the iPad, with ancient manuscripts now available for download on the Apple iBookstore.

The first manuscripts to be available are Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Arundel, his notebook from 1478-1518 including illustrations and written in mirrorscript, and Mercator’s Atlas. The Highlights version of theCodex Arundel is available for £3.99, and the full verison for £9.99.

Mercator’s Atlas, created by Gerardus Mercator in the 16th century to plan the Prince of Cleeves’ tour of Europe and painstakingly compiled using copies of maps, is available for £6.99.

The library, which developed the e-books with communications agency Armadillo Systems, will release 75 titles in HD e-book format as part of the series over the next two years, with three or four to be released per month. Among the next e-books to be released are Alice’s Adventures Underground (1862-64), Lewis Carroll’s handwritten and illustrated original of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, William Blake’s notebook from the 1700s, and Jane Austen’s The History of England, created in 1791.

More info and details in the article.


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