Buzz BooksThe latest edition of the always-free Buzz Books sampler series put out by Publishers Lunch was scheduled to coincide with this year’s BookExpo America convention, which wrapped up yesterday.

Titled “Buzz Books 2013 Fall/Winter,” it’s a completely free e-book made up of 40 pre-publication excerpts of books that will be appearing on store shelves in the coming months.

This season’s edition features new fiction from Elizabeth Gilbert, Sue Grafton, Wally Lamb, Jonathan Lethem, Amy Tan, and even James Franco–everyone’s favorite gentleman of letters.

Excerpts from upcoming children’s books and nonfiction work are featured in the new edition as well (including something from the New Yorker‘s Dana Goodyear, who has perhaps the coolest writer’s website of all time.)

Click one of the following links to get a free copy for Kindle, Nook, iPad, Kobo, or Sony.


  1. L. Sharp – it’s definitely still available for free, at least on Amazon; I just checked. Can you explain why you weren’t able to get a copy? It can be a little tricky if you haven’t done it before. I’d be happy to walk you through the process of getting a copy from Amazon.

    You do have to be signed in to your Amazon account, so that’s one thing you may have done wrong. Also, you may need to set up a specific Kindle email address if you want to have books purchased for Kindle sent wirelessly to your device. (With this particular title though, as long as your Kindle is associated with your Amazon account, it should work just fine.)

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