Two brief notes.


Back in July we posted about several libraries in the U.S. and Canada that are lending e-book readers to users.

We would be happy to hear about other libraries offering or planning to provide similar services.

Here are two more Canadian libraries offering e-book readers to users.

First, in Montreal, the McGill University Library is lending Sony “Touch” e-book readers.

Second, at the North Vancouver Public Library they’ve stared to lend Kobo readers to library users. It’s a pilot project that began in the past week and is schedule to last until December, 2010. Of course, as the web site says, if the pilot goes well the program will continue, “indefinitely.”

From the NVPL Web Site:

We aim to always have the top fiction and non-fiction best-sellers as listed in the the Globe and Mail. We also have a selection of titles available for young adult readers. These titles will be updated regularly. Further to these are 100 classics like ‘Tom Sawyer’ and ‘Tale of Two Cities’ that come preloaded on each device at the time of purchase.

See Also: Our Post From July 14, 2010 that includes a mention of the West Vancouver Public Library who was beginning to lend Kindles. The WVPL also said they were the first library in the country to offer this service.

Via Resource Shelf


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