
If you use Instapaper to clip interesting articles from the web for later perusal, did you know that you can have your Instapaper article collection sent to your Kindle every day?...

For as long as I’ve used Google products and services, like Android, Gmail, Google Documents, and so on, one aspect of the company has frustrated me to a singular extent. There’s...

The Guardian has an interesting essay by a teen writer from the Guardian children’s books site entitled “Why teenagers are so resistant to e-readers.” (The writer posts under a handle and...

That's one of the more active debates on the Kboards right now, kicked off by Kboards member denodan, who declares: "What a ripoff the Oasis about $100 more than the voyage....

Amazon's new VoiceView text-to-speech technology, as recently explained by Peter Korn (at least for Kindles) on TeleRead, doesn't seem to have impinged much on e-reading awareness yet. Yes, it is relatively...

The other day, I pondered what Motorola’s mysterious new video promoting the old RAZR flip-phones might mean, with one possible guess being a smartphone that had a ten-key keypad beneath it....

Tablets are the new laptop, it seems. The new hot story on the tech press today concerns Asus’s new Transformer 3 hybrid tablet-plus-keyboards—sleek, expensive Windows 10 devices that seem to be...

A short but fascinating YouTube video, brought to light on the Kboards, reviews the Amazon Kindle Oasis in glowing terms  - at least regarding its hardware. There's just one tiny problem....

Imagine---a 28-disc e-book read with a desktop-sized computer. That's what OverDrive CEO Steve Potash, whom TeleRead profiled at length this month, recalls talking up to New York publishers in 1986. A Library Journal account of a May...

Want to read e-books on your wrist? It might be a better idea to strap your phone to it than to invest in a miniature tablet designed with that purpose in...


Courtesy of the Kboards, a worrying item about struggling e-book sites and their ability to monetize engagement with Amazon - or not - has...

TeleRead.com is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at TeleRead.org. Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of The-Digital-Reader.com, who teamed up on the preservation project with ReclaimHosting.com.