68 BlocksFor roughly the past year, a number of Boston Globe reporters have been working on a fairly groundbreaking interactive journalism project known collectively as the 68 Blocks series. The project was designed to “document life in [Bowdoin-Geneva], Boston’s most troubled neighborhood, over the course of a year.”

Along with traditional print elements, the project included a wealth of photos, videos and graphics, and now the entire project—multimedia elements and all—have been compiled into a single e-book. Titled 68 Blocks: Life, Death, Hope in Boston’s Most Troubled Neighborhood, it’s available on Amazon, iTunes and BN.com for $2.99. (The e-book is free to Boston Globe subscribers at bostonglobe.com/insiders/ebook, as are all e-books published by the paper.)

It’s worth mentioning, by the way, that the 68 Blocks project was the sort of long-term, complicated and expensive immersion experiment that some daily newspapers—the Philadelphia Inquirer was one—used to be famous for. These days, though, newspaper readers almost never see projects of this sort.

Some of the Globe reporters involved with the 68 Blocks project, for instance, actually lived among their subjects as the year played out. And now, as the Globe‘s Deputy Managing Editor of Local News, Jennifer Peter, says in a release, “Readers can delve into the in-depth series in a new way, with all of its diverse multimedia elements at their fingertips in one digital format.”

The Boston Globe has published two other previous e-books roughly a dozen other e-books since 2011, including John F. Kerry: The Boston Globe Biography, and Whitey Bulger: America’s Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt that Brought Him to Justice. The Globe‘s first e-book project was a trio of Whitey Bulger e-singles: The Bulger Mystique, Whitey’s Fall, and Whitey and the FBI.

68 Blocks



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