Fujitsu e-paperWhether you’re a manga fan or a K-12 student, chances are that you’d vastly prefer a color display—a major omission in today’s e-paper tech for books.

But E Ink and a number of other companies are working to address that problem, and this week Fujitsu showed off color e-paper–described by CNET as “essentially a thin liquid crystal display, is getting closer to market. For the first time, researchers released a hand-built prototype outside the Japanese labs where it’s been incubating since 2004.

“Similar in form factor to an e-book reader, the Fujitsu version displays color–not mind-blowing color, but still more visually appealing than standard black and white–and is aiming for more commercial applications. Fujitsu’s version is ‘green’ and also appeals to the wallet: there is no power required to show an image. That means the technology can eventually be used for signage without having to replace batteries.”

See MobileRead for more details.


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