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Here, from British author Richard Herley, is a link to a compendium of over 100 e-book sites. This is worth bookmarking and keeping handy. The author says:

I recently went looking for some free Ebooks and was surprised to find that there are many resources for this. I decided to put together this list of sites that offer free Ebooks as a reference. Since there are so many, I was not able to check each one out thoroughly. So comments from you on any of these sites would be appreciated. I did verify that these all are active and working.

I have tried to make certain that all of the EBooks at these sites are legally available for viewing/downloading. However, it is possible that I have made a mistake. If you suspect any of these sites of illegally offering copyrighted materials, then please let me know.

Putting this together was exhausting, but the list is not exhaustive, so I encourage you to post any sites that you know of that are not listed here.

The listings may be search in the following methods:

* Alphabetical Listing – A listing of the site names in alphabetical order

* Listing by Genre – A listing of sites by genre

* Online Local Libraries – These sites have links to local libraries which have much content for members


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