From Derek Benner with the NAEB buying club:

imageWe‘re now ready to start the order process for the next 100 units. So please take the time to place an order today! Just go to our store and place your order. You can choose to pay by check or by credit card. We won’t bill your credit card until we actually receive the units.

Related: The Cybook Gen3 e-reader close up: A review with buying tips and other advice, by Francis Turner.

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  1. From the NAEB store front page:

    Accepting orders for the 2nd order to ship late March.
    Current Order Count: 34

    March 26, 2008

    Do to slow sales this month we will be closing the order out at 40 units instead of 100.

    Complain, and ye shall receive. 🙂

    — C

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