EBook Screenshot of the Amazon Kindle Zest ad with the Cheerios

From an email he sent me:

Hi, Paul! Here’s something you might want to link. I finally figured out what ebooks are on the screen in Amazon’s newest Kindle ads? It turns out there’s some surprises!

Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella actually appears in two different Kindle ads!  And that woman reading calmly by the side of a river is reading about racism in the 1950s in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. In the latest ad, it’s Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, and another ad includes The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (And I still think it’s amazing that in that ad at the beach, the woman with the Kindle was reading about an incestuous step-mother!)
David Cassel, Editor
“Me and My Kindle” blog

He’s also figured out some of the music, too.  Go take a look.


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