threepress-bars-small.pngFrom the Threepress Consulting blog by Liza Daly:

Slides and notes from my talk at BookNet Canada Tech Forum 2010 are posted.

Instead of becoming alarmed at the proliferation of ereaders and ebook softwares, designers and publishers should be thinking about the two dominant ePub reading engines: Adobe Mobile Reading SDK and WebKit.

This talk will help ebook producers understand what a reading engine is and how this framework can greatly simplify ebook crafting, design and testing


  1. I’d much rather worry about creating compliant ePubs, and let whatever reading engine worry about how it will render them.

    Catering to a specific reading engine can lead to editing the ePub to render best on one engine, but take it out of compliance, leaving it unreadable on other engines. We’ve already gone through that with the Browser Wars, and I don’t care to do it again. Standards are standards… let’s adhere to them.

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