zettabyte.jpegFascinating post from Resource Shelf:

…this year, the “Digital Universe,” the total amount of data stored in the world’s computers, will surpass a zettabyte. One zettabyte is equal to a million million gigabytes, a number so large it is hard to get our minds around it. In fact, humans will produce more data this year alone than in thousands of years of civilization. The total amount of data stored by academic libraries in the US today is about half a million times less than a zettabyte.

In 2009, the Digital Universe amounted to 0.8 zettabytes, according to a report by IDC. In the last year alone, the total amount of digital content in existence grew by an impressive 62 percent. And the trend is accelerating, in just ten years’ time, the Digital Universe will grow by a factor of 44 to reach 35 zettabytes in 2020.

For the original article go here.


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