Start to Finish Online Books2 567x189

From the press release.  Note that school-wide licenses are only $429 per year:

Don Johnston Incorporated today released Start-to-Finish Online Accessible Library. Company founder Don Johnston said, “Thanks to the power of cloud computing, struggling readers can now use their iPads, mobile devices and laptop computers to read some of the most important and powerful books ever written. Just one license allows classrooms in an entire school to read books from school or home without buying copies for everyone.”

Before going to the cloud, Start-to-Finish built a strong fan base over a decade with computer, audiobook and paperback book sets. The product concept was a personal mission for Don Johnston who didn’t read a chapter book until the age of 15. “When we designed our first product line, we focused on helping students overcome every possible roadblock.” He said, “We did this at production costs so high that they may never be replicated.” Start-to-Finish authors are passionate about helping kids read. So books are written at a 2nd to 5th grade level and edited by specially trained SLPs. Characters and plots come to life with the help of professional narration. Built-in assistive technology helps students with disabilities. Data collection allows teachers to track the amount of time students spend reading and end-of-chapter quizzes show comprehension results.

Don Johnston has many letters from Start-to-Finish readers. During a recent visit with Don, a ninth grader named Ireland explained, “Start-to-Finish books don’t feel like other books. I can actually read them. I get lost in the stories.” She added, “These are the books that got me reading.”

Start-to-Finish Books Online Start-to-Finish Online Accessible Library includes a complete library of books tied to the common core curriculum standards. Titles include retold classics like Treasure Island and Macbeth, original mysteries, sports biographies, and non-fiction titles like For Liberty: The Story of the American Revolution, The Story of Anne Frank and Ancient Egypt.

“The accessibility magic is in the technology,” says Don. It supports professional narration that models intonation and fluency. Readers get support with alternative keyboards and switch scanning, allowing access with one or two switches.

K-12 school districts can purchase school-wide licenses that include all available titles for $429 per year per school. The Unlimited Site License includes unlimited school use for all students and also includes take-home rights.

Resource Links: You can learn more about Start-to-Finish Online Accessible Library at


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