DCLtogo150BoingBoing has a brief but interesting piece from a representative of Douglas County Libraries in Colorado (which we mentioned in March), which has created its own e-book lending system by dealing directly with publishers, rather than relying on a third party such as Overdrive to mediate between them. DCL has cut deals with over 800 publishers to have their works lent through DCL’s system.

The library doesn’t rely only on its own system, however; it also offers books from the Overdrive and 3M platforms, as well as Freegal music. The books are available through the physical branch locations, or via the DCL Digital Branch.  It also has a mobile app, DCL to Go.

The representative also notes that a number of other libraries have expressed interest, and a couple more Colorado libraries have signed on to provide access to DCL-hosted material.


  1. I live in Douglas County and use their library. For ebooks, I use Denver because the Douglas County system doesn’t work very well yet. Put a hold on an ebook in Denver, and when the book is available, you get an email. Put a hold on an ebook in Douglas County, and your hold disappears into the ether and you never hear again. Their system is also much slower. Ask a question of a librarian about the ebook system, and she doesn’t know. I’m sure it will all get better in time, but as of right now, it’s nothing to boast about.

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