Barney WraggProprietary DRM is to e-books what what acid paper is to p-books–a disaster from a library perspective. Just as distuburbingly, DRM zealots are warring against consumers’ rights to fair use. We’ll let OpenReader work with DRM in the most reader-friendly way we can, but this is not our favorite technology.

That said, how do DRM fans view the here and now? Here’s The Feature‘s interview with Barney Wragg, VP of eLabs within the Universal Music Group.

Notice? Wragg brags: “We’re working with a number of DRMs deals across the world where we use a number of different DRMs.” Great. Just what the music biz needs–even more tongues in its Tower of eBabel. Remember, with proprietary DRM added, you might as well have a new format. Is this really the way for e-books to go? We need more interoperability, not less. (Via MobileRead.)


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