SleepAs a child, did you read yourself to sleep despite a parental curfew? Perhaps sneak in a flashlight and hope you’d switch it off before you got too drowsy? Imagine what you could have done with a backlit PDA or other gizmo as an e-book reader, especially with the auto-shut-off feature.

Well, these days, with e-books and other high-tech gadgets around, teenagers are staying up even later than they are naturally inclined to. An NPR audio segment doesn’t mention e-book in particular, and it certainly would be nice to hope that e-books are a major factor (probably not). But the same idea would apply. Thanks to children’s computers and cellphones and the rest, some schools even feel compelled to start their days later.

Tech-gizmo curfews recommended

Meanwhile the advice to parents is, yes, to have a tech-gizmo curfew and enforce it, allowing the use only of an MP3 player or whatever. Of course, with hearing in mind, it would be nice if the player had an easy-to-use auto-shutoff feature.

An argument for health-minded parents giving their kids E Ink machines: At least the read-under-the-covers routine is harder to do without a device with a built-in back light.

Close to home: One of my resolutions this year is to get more sleep. A result might be a later TeleBlog on many days. I slept well last night, and a few more items will be along this morning.

Photo credit: Creative Commons-licensed photo by PAИ.


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