Garmin-related reference to eBook ReaderAudiobook reference here, from Pocket-lint. No, Pocket-lint itself doesn’t mention e-books. The book question in the headline reflects my curiosity in the wake of Takir’s query about Garmin, the seller of GPS gizmos.

Can anyone flesh out the sketchy “eBook readers” reference from a CEbit-related site? Is there a confusion of text and audiobooks? Unfortunately the real goodies from the CEbit site are password protected.

Finally, does anyone know what formats of audio books the StreetPilot c500 can play, or what range of titles will be available? Meanwhile, yes, I’ll query Garmin about both e-books and audiobooks.

Also in Product News Land: Release of eReader 2.63 for the Pocket PC and Windows Mobile Editions–via Alexander at MobileRead. Download here.


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