blog_photo.pngI’ve been invited by the Polish Institute of International Affairs to make a presentation on how new technologies determine the information flow in a publishing industry. It’s a part of the 20th Annual EINIRAS Conference “From Content to Knowledge in International Relations”, which is organized by The Polish Institute of International Affairs.

As a dedicated self-publisher being highly motivated to benefit from newest advances of technology, I tried to describe and visualize the processes which change the publishing landscape.

You can read the presentation below (best viewed with a full screen option enabled).

• Technology is changing a way information and ideas are distributed

• Traditional vs. digital model of information provision

• Multiple roles of an Internet user and how it translates to publishing

• Phenomenon of self-publishing – 3 x DIY – dare-to-do it yourself, do it yourself, distribute it yourself

• E-book publishing benefits from a changing nature of information:
1. Which information is important?
2. Which information is prevailing?
3. How is the information shared?
4. What are main information channels?
5. What is the reach of information?
6. Which information becomes influential?

• Conclusion: technology is redefining the information flow between the author, the publisher and the reader.


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